With an Enhanced Business Directory Listing you can add information about your business, such as contact information, special offers, hours of operations, a link to your website, business description and photos. If you choose, you can have an email sent to you every time someone clicks on your ad. The most unique feature is that you can change your information as often as you like!
12 Month Term: $60
In addition to your Enhanced Listing, you will have a small display ad in the last position of ads on Sugar Land Connect. Enhanced Directory Listings display ads will rotate in this position. The ad size is 235 px X 110 px.
You can feature a special offer with a coupon that can be printed and presented to you or a customer can mention your ad on Sugar Land Connect to receive the offer. If you offer a discount your coupon will appear on the Special Offers page of Sugar Land Connect and your business name will be featured in the Sugar Land Connect newsletter.